The Magic and the Mess - September



Hello again!

We are back in California. After a 3 week trip to Greece and Germany it feels magical to be settled back into our little coastal California home.
The paint brushes are out, and I have a new series in the works (see below for a sneak peak). These pieces will be coming out in time for the holidays.
My kids too are so glad to be home. I can just see the appreciation for our house in their little faces as they sink back into familiar beds and routines.
Check out favorites below! And a four generation photo I took with my grandmother, mother, and daughter from our trip to Germany below.

Warmly, B


This and other pieces like it will be coming out just in time for the Holidays!


Simple and will help you feel like you're back on a trail ride in the woods.
(And yes, there will be ornaments too!)


  • I just ordered this storage shed. I researched every single storage shed on the market so you don't have to ;) this one has max storage and two lofts all while staying within county codes.
  •  I am in love with this high quality comforter cover.
  • Interested in personal finance? I would start here and here. Two of my main teachers. These were the ones who taught me how to budget and how to invest.

  • Lately, we have been settling our toddler with 'night night milk' a snack and some drawing every evening at the kitchen table. As I nurse the baby to sleep, my husband cleans up the kitchen and makes sure toddler winds down in this incredibly sweet way. It is soothing for his little soul and makes sure his tummy is full before bed.

  • You hate the way you look in pictures? See this link


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